In my mind's eye

I've been designing things for as long as I can remember, but the material and the means have varied. I began using paper, then fabric, paint, photography, then digital tools in the field of graphic design. Today, I'm no longer working within this field, but my mind continues to be active and I sometimes create logotypes, take photos of my environment, experiment with food and recipes, paint on glass, and create variants of some crochet pattern. On this website, you will be able to find examples of all this and more.

Design categories

Now and then I tend to get engulfed in crocheting. Here: make-up pads.

Painting on jars, glasses, porcellaine

I knit less often than I crochet, but it happens.

Clothes, covers, bags

My husband tends to cook and I'm the one who bakes or make jam. Here: homemade pineapple jam.

Leather, wood, rope etc 

Featured movie

"I have dreamed in my life,

dreams that have stayed with me ever after,

and changed my ideas;

they have gone through and through me,

like wine through water,

and altered the color of my mind."

Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

Macro, landscape, structures...

I'm fascinated by shapes and colours and my photos reflect this. I enjoy being able to glimpse details that the human eye may not be able to perceive, but also to be able to see patterns in huge structures.